Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The 12 Days of CNY: Day 8, Reagan's Story

They have a saying at New Day…..“Love grows here”. Our Reagan is the poster child
for the love that grows at New Day.

At three years old, Reagan arrived with an unrepaired complex heart condition- both
physically and emotionally.

Within months of arriving, New Day had started the process of getting her heart repaired
physically but it was the emotional repair that was a little tougher and took a little longer.
Reagan didn’t make loving her easy. She was nonverbal, would hit, spit, bite, and would
scream if someone tried to come near her but they pressed on and ever so slowly the
unconditional love grew and began to heal and mend our little gal’s broken heart.

One of my favorite photos of Reagan while at New Day. It beautifully captures the
unconditional love that grows there.

Because of the love that grows at New Day, Reagan today is nothing like the broken
hearted girl that first arrived. She is rarely without a smile. She is a happy girl who skips
instead of walks. She sings and dances non stop around the house. She is an inquisitive
girl who loves to learn. Not a day goes by that I don’t smile because of Reagan. She is
pure joy. My mind cannot even go to where Reagan might be today had New Day not
opened their arms to her.

We will be forever grateful to New Day for not only physically saving Reagan but for
saving her emotionally. They helped create the joy that is Reagan.

1 comment:

  1. Reagan is such a delight and we're so thankful she and Keith could be reunited last summer! PRaise the Lord for New Day taking such care of ALL of our MANY babies!!!!!
