Friday, July 3, 2009

The Six Upstairs

We don't always get a group shot of our upstairs babies, but we thought this one was too cute not to share. When children come to NDFH, they often start upstairs. It is a little quieter and calmer than our rough-and-tumble downstairs playroom. They get to listen to soothing music and lounge on blankets all day. Not a bad life, really... especially in the summertime when there are more than enough interns and volunteers around to ensure no one has to lay by themselves for long. After they've had their surgeries and recuperate, they either move downstairs or to a foster family. We can house up to 6 children upstairs, so you can see we have a full house right now.

Starting with Debra in the orange shirt and going clockwise we have Judah, our newest arrival, Cora, Cameron, Jamison, and Tristan.