Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Sylvie

Sylvie's transformation story is somewhat unusual, in that she is the first child that had a liver transplant in her first 24 hours with us!

She had been in the care of another foster home in Beijing, but they were not able to pay for the liver transplant that she would need so they asked us if we would be able to help. Initially we didn't have a bed available for her to come straight to New Day Foster Home, but we went ahead and had her name put on the waiting list for a liver.

On the morning of Monday 11th of May, we got the call that a liver had become available. It sounded like a perfect match for her, so we quickly headed to the hospital to meet with the doctor AND to meet her for the first time.

The transplant surgery went well and this is the first picture of Sylvie's new color!

By Tuesday morning she was off the ventilator and breathing on her own. We were amazed by the speed of her recovery! On Thursday she was able to move out of ICU and onto the regular ward, which meant that one of our nannies could be with her.

Since she came out of the hospital at the beginning of June, Sylvie has been tenderly cared-for in our Critical Care Unit, to keep her away from pesky germs and infections.  Our amazing CCU nannies have poured so much love into her, and she has brought so much fun and joy into those little rooms.

Sylvie is matched with her forever family and it looks she is going to be joining them soon, so our part in her transformation will be pretty short but very sweet.  What a privilege to know this beautiful young lady!

1 comment:

  1. She doesn't have any Chinese features. What's her ethnic group?
