Saturday, May 31, 2014

NDSouth: Hayden's Classtime

Hayden had only been going to preschool for a short time when I arrived at New Day South and we began our one-on-ones. At first he was unsure of things, but he soon began to love this time. There were many days that he would be the one to lead me to the classroom so that we could begin "school."

One of Hayden's favorite things to do is play with blocks. He quickly learned that by signing "more" he would get more blocks. Soon he wasn't just signing "more," he was saying the word, too!

We spent a lot of time reading books, putting together simple puzzles, and coloring. During preschool and our one-on-one time we practiced the alphabet and counting. We also spent lots if time laughing and being silly. Hayden's laugh is contagious and he has a smile that can light up the room.

It was amazing to witness the changes in Hayden over the short time that I was at New Day South. He began to learn the preschool routine, solve simple tasks, and repeat words. Along with the nannies and other volunteers we celebrated his every accomplishment. The love that Hayden receives at New Day South has given him the confidence to love, learn, and to find his voice. I am excited to see how he continues I grow and learn in the months to come!
This was written by short-term volunteer, Laura, who spent two months this spring at New Day South. 

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