Monday, December 23, 2013

Come decorate some cookies...

It's so great when children are able to go live with a local foster family.  They thrive under the care of our amazing foster parents.

We do miss seeing their sweet faces around New Day though, especially if they aren't old enough to start coming here to attend preschool yet.

This made it an extra-special treat to have our younger kids and their foster parents visit for our Christmas festivities.

We thought Elijah looked even more handsome than last time we saw him, and he thought the cookies were pretty yummy.

Stella is growing up so fast, not long now before she'll be starting preschool in the afternoons.  She did such a great job with the cookie decorating.

Ethan? He is also looking extremely handsome, and he enjoyed the cookie-decorating experience very much.

You can see the rest of the cookie-decorating pictures in our scrapbook and on Facebook.

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