Saturday, May 6, 2017

NDNorth: Welcome Ruth!

Ladies and gentlemen... boys and girls of all ages... join us here at New Day North in welcoming our newest arrival!

Ruth joined our little family here recently, and is the newest member of our Special Needs Care and Training Center (read all about our projects in Inner Mongolia HERE)

Ruth is five years-old and has a neurological disorder that has made it really hard for her to keep up with her peers, but changes nothing about who she is as a precious and precocious little girl! Just within her first few days here with us, she has gone from drinking a bottle to a cup, is figuring out how to feed herself (with help!) and can sit up in just about any chair we set her in. She even asks to get into the stander to help develop some leg muscles. This girl is amazing!

She cannot talk, but when we asked if she was happy to be here with us, she definitely communicated, "yes!" and the transition from her orphanage to our care seems to be going well.

Lydia carried her into the foster home, and Frank and Shua Li (Veronica) had some "welcome flowers" for her. Shua Li was SO excited to have a sister to play with, and Frank is enjoying having someone to learn from. These three are going to have a blast together... and probably get into a lot of mischief.

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