Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Transformation Tuesday: Adia

In the spring of 2013 a little girl was born with severe heart defects. Her orphanage knew she needed more help, so they contacted New Day to see if we could care for her. However, at the time there were no open beds. A month later the orphanage contacted us again. The little girl was still alive, and this time we were able to say yes to bringing her to the foster home. We arranged for her to be  transported directly to the hospital and expected surgery to be scheduled soon after. To our amazement, the surgeons decided that she didn’t need surgery right away after all!

This little girl was Adia, and we were thrilled to welcome her to the foster home.

Watching Adia grow up was an honor. She captivated us with her beautiful smiles and her silly faces.

We celebrated each of her firsts: her first Christmas, her first birthday, and all of the steps in-between.

Shortly after her first birthday Adia was able to move in with a local foster family.

Each time Adia would come by for visits with her foster parents we were amazed by how big she was getting!

Before we knew it Adia turned 2 and started to come to preschool. It was a joy to see her everyday, and also to see more of the sweet relationship between herself and her yeye (foster grandpa).

In preschool Adia experienced more and more new things. From coloring to field trips, to imaginary play, and more Adia faced each experience heads on.

Last year Adia turned 3 and her personality continued to shine.

We watched her learn and grow and she would continue to surprise us each and every day.

Adia has grown up into a beautiful young lady. From a little girl who we were so worried about, to a thriving girl, it has been a honor to be a part of Adia's life.

Now, just before her 4th birthday Adia will be joining her forever family. We will miss her joy and enthusiasm but are thrilled that each of her birthday's will be celebrated with a family of her own! 

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