Saturday, November 12, 2016

Where Are They Now?

For the past few years it's been a privilege to publish a very special post featuring New Day graduates during Adoption Awareness Month. Seeing each smiling face and knowing that they are a beloved son or daughter fills our hearts with so much joy.

As you look through the pictures we hope you are able to recognize children you sponsored, prayed for, visited, or played with. Children that you watched grow up while they were at New Day and children that you joined with us as we celebrated their adoption.

Now we have the privilege to see them a little older, to see them not as orphans but as forever sons and daughters. We hope you enjoy it as much as we have!

Let's start with some familiar faces, the children who have been adopted this year!

Now it's time for those have been home a whole year (or almost!), those adopted in 2015!

How about those adopted in 2014?

and 2013...

What about those adopted 4 years ago in 2012, or 5 years ago in 2011? Do you see any familiar faces?

For those of you who have been following New Day for even longer here are some grown up faces

Mamas and Babas, thank you for sharing your precious children with us! We continue to celebrate the lives of your children and thank you for saying yes to them!

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