Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Pay it Forward: A Guest Post

We are honored to feature this post written by Markie' adoptive mother!

Life as a prayer reveals itself through the bonds of love.   This bonding of hearts, of souls, is in our DNA.  In my view, it's the best of our humanness, really.  My son, my Markie, whose bonds of love span this world and Heaven-spots alike, illuminates the most grateful and graceful prayer I've ever known:  Family.

The joining of my family, through DNA of birth, DNA of orphanage, DNA of New Day Foster Home, DNA of donor, DNA of doctor, DNA of sponsor, DNA of corporation, DNA of country East and West, and, most blessedly, DNA of kindred soul, is a miraculous helix.  It's the sort that science and logic can only half explain.  The rest is left to my mind that is staid in knowing and my heart that is steadfast in loving.  Each night my son and I say our grateful prayers.  It's a tender and sweet and often funny time for us as we recount our blessings:  prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of healing, prayers of hope.

MJZ, as I often call him, is a beacon of hope to me.  As his mother and kindred soul, I know I must nurture his humanity so that he will always know his own.  It is my privilege to help him make sense of his life narrative, now and across time.  Our stories tell us who we are, who we wish to be.  And, our acts of kindness and self- and other-healing manifest that story in the best of ways, in this world here and now.  That's why our family has chosen to love it forward again this Thanksgiving and sponsor two children at New Day:

A child named Marcus, Markie's almost namesake.  Precious Marcus, who received a life-saving liver transplant this past year, much like Markie just three years ago.  Markie and I love you, and we continue to stand bonded with you as you take one healing step at a time.

A child named Amelia, born on August 29, 2015, one year following the day Markie's dear foster brother, Albert, passed away months after an unsuccessful liver transplant.  Precious Amelia, who now awaits her own life-saving liver transplant.  Markie and I love you, and we stand bonded with you as you take one healing step at a time.

Life as a prayer:  I am my father's daughter and the mother of my son.  Ours is a family braid infinitely larger than three.  Amen.

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