Monday, September 14, 2015

So Many Boys...

Have you noticed our afternoon preschool class suddenly filled up with new boys? With summer birthdays and adoptions we all the sudden found ourselves with 8 boys and only 1 girl! Luckily Adia seems to be ok with it!

Sometimes kids are apprehensive to start preschool, it’s a big change after all, but this was not Jack! The day after his birthday party he confidently walked to preschool and hasn’t looked back. Thanks to his awesome nannies he already knew what to expect so having extra fun play time with so many new and exciting toys is fun!

Robert turned 2 in March, but because of his busy therapy schedule he wasn’t able to start preschool until now. We’re so excited he’s here, and we think he is too, especially during snack time! His giggle and enthusiasm are infectious!

Nathan has had a lot of transitions lately and he is fitting in so well. We are overjoyed to see him picking up the routine so quickly and each day a little more of his personality comes out. Music seems to be his favorite time he has some pretty cool dance moves to go with it.

We’re excited that Miles will be coming soon too! He had so much fun playing with all the toys during his birthday party that we know he’ll fit right in.

Our new boys bring so much excitement, and maybe a little more noise, but we are so excited to watch them as they continue to grow and learn.

This post was written by our volunteer preschool teacher, Abby.


  1. All of the children are beautiful! I was wondering if anyone could tell me about Annabelle.

    1. Annabel has left to join her forever family!
