Zoe came to New Day at the end of 2012, when she was almost five years old. Before that she had lived in an orphanage for three years, since she was about two years old. Heartbreak, heart disease, and a lack of the love that she desperately needed had caused severe delays in her development.
You can read Zoe's Amazing Story, the story of her transformation from the effects of psychosocial deprivation to a happy, growing girl. When she arrived, she had only recently learnt to walk and was very small for her age. She grew 9cm (3.5 inches) in her first six months with us! This is what she looks like now:
Did you see the pictures of her recent photo-shoot with her classs-mate, Hannah?
She's a talented and enthusiastic performer (do you remember when Zoe opened the Chinese New Year show?), and a willing helper.
Zoe has seen a lot of her friends and class-mates, and her beloved foster-sister Julianna, leave to join their forever families. We're so glad that her turn will be coming soon. We'll miss our amazing Zoe, but we'll be so happy about her next beautiful transformation; from orphan to daughter.
Zoe is gorgeous. You can see she has so much love in her. <3