Friday, April 19, 2013

Watch It- He'll Melt Your Heart

Man, this little guy! As he gets to walk. Or listen to music. Or gets tickled.. His smile just lights up the face of every inhabitant of the critical care room; you can't help but grin from ear to ear as he giggles with delight.

In a weeks time Christopher's strength has grown immensely! Not only is he working up a hearty appetite with his desire to walk every chance he gets, but he is also learning to mimic the physical actions of others. He improves so quickly!

Previously he was able to support only a small portion of his weight when someone held his entire torso. He now has the strength to firmly grasp someone's hands with his own and lean his arms on theirs as they help him walk. It is evident he is excited by this new development.

What a joy it is to be reminded of the universal power of a smile from one so young!

This post was written by our intern, Rachel

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