Monday, October 8, 2012

He's Grown Up!

Since Alex arrived at New Day Foster Home over a year ago, he has grown up so much. He started out in preschool, and now is the top student in our backyard classroom for the older kids.

Alex is learning how to read and has gone through ALL of the BOB books. Learning to read in English when your principle language is Chinese is no easy task, but Alex has persevered, sounding out words and reading stories that sometimes make no sense to him.

I just asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. "I want to have the same job as you!" He said, "and which of my jobs do you want to do one day?" I asked. "Taking pictures!" Alex went on to say that he wants to be a photographer of animals, flowers, people... anything! He's got an old camera that he carries around sometimes and is so proud of the pictures that he takes.

Alex has big dreams, a sweet, teachable spirit and loves to laugh at anything silly. We're going to miss him dearly when he leaves to join his forever family later this month. Alex, you have been a JOY to love and we can't wait to see you again one day when you have grown into a handsome young man.

1 comment:

  1. Sure do love this boy! Excited for him to join his forever family. Would love to connect with them.
