Wednesday, July 25, 2012

NDSouth: Hot

One word explains how we are feeling down here at New Day South…


Due to the hot and humid temperatures, the kids take a morning walk to beat the heat. However, even when they go out at 8 a.m., they still come home hot and sweaty!

They are then in need of a change of clothes.

We soon found out that our little ones love taking their shirts off and would keep them off all day if we would let them! They walk around the foster home sticking their bellies out showing anyone that will look… and of course, giggling.

We captured a few pictures on camera!

Marshall enjoys the chance to let his belly get some fresh air!

Jewel demonstrated that of course you can play with a baby doll with no shirt on!

Isn’t your baby hot Jewel with all those clothes on?

Hope couldn’t figure out why we were taking her picture!

What a look, Hope!

Asa loves airing his belly out!

We sure have some cuties down south!

This post was written by New Day South's intern, Anneli

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how much Marshall has GROWN! What a big boy!
    They are all so adorable! It's so good to see them 'cooling off' a bit! :)
