Friday, July 6, 2012

Birthday Boy

Ken was released from the hospital after battling a nasty case of pneumonia on July 3rd. He was released with a feeding tube, which has already assisted him in gaining over one pound! Poor little Ken suffers from a very large cleft lip and palate, which seems to cause him to aspirate on his milk, and then contract pneumonia. We're trying to schedule the cleft lip surgery as soon as possible.

Ken's release happened just one day before a very special event: his first birthday! We were thrilled to be able to sing to Ken, give him a few extra special kisses and watch him light up in a happy I'm-so-glad-to-be-home smile.

Doesn't he look adorable with that feeding tube taped up onto his forehead? We're all under strict orders to keep Michael and Kate away from him... that feeding tube needs to stay in!


  1. He is adorable! Happy Birthday sweet Ken!

  2. Happy Birthday little boy (a little late). We loved meeting you and are so glad you'll hopefully get your surgery soon!

  3. Happy Birthday Sweet Smiling Ken... Hugs!
