Friday, June 22, 2012

Can You See the Resemblance?

We've been busy with a group of visiting doctors here at the foster home. They've been giving the children thorough physicals and helping us answer some questions about the more confusing medical cases we have. It's been exciting to watch them sit down with a child's chart and go bug-eyed with amazement. Lots of the giggles around here come from little ones who really shouldn't be alive right now.

So, we'll admit it, we showed off a bit and brought Joseph in to be seen. Can you believe this kid? Eight months ago he was "status not good" and rushed to PICU. Today? Well, let's just say that he had a change of heart, shall we?

After trying without success to get Joseph to smile for the camera, we looked down at our feet and snapped this shot. Can you see the resemblance? Little Michael is three months younger that Joseph, but had a similar arrival assessment. He was struggling to breathe, and when we admitted him into PICU we hoped beyond hope that we would get to see him again.

Well, here he is. Michael can currently roll over to his tummy and has finally learned how to roll back over to his back. What a relief this is, as he used to get quite frustrated being stuck on his belly for too long. His precious heart will need to undergo another repair, but at the rate this little chunk is growing and strengthening, we think that he'll do fine.

Michael and Joseph look a lot alike, don't they?

And let's give three cheers to Joseph for learning how to stand up! We can't wait to watch these two little miracles grow up into adventurous and boisterous little boys. It's a privilege, and a fun one at that.

1 comment:

  1. They DO look a lot alike!!!! Yay for standing up! They're growing so fast!
