Thursday, May 3, 2012

Richard: Such a Big Name for Such a Little Guy

We mentioned last week that Oliver is the youngest child in the foster home. Well, that's not true anymore. This piece of trivia changed last week, with the arrival of little 5-week-old Richard.

Actually, he's six weeks old now. Could anything be more precious than this little face?

In celebration of his six-week birthday (or maybe because we were on a roll, giving all of the little boys haircuts), Richard got a buzz last night. He doesn't look quite as babyish anymore, which makes us a bit sad, but the haircut would have happened eventually. And his hair will grow back in.

Richard, such a big name for such a tiny little thing... But he will grow into it one day.

That's what we're afraid of.


  1. Oh RICHARD! You are a pumpkin! And you will grow into that name one day!
    What a sweet baby!

  2. Qué cosita más PRECIOSA!!!!! Es un bombón de chocolate!!!! Lindo, lindo...Ojalá pronto, encuentre a su family!!!!!!!!
    Desde España

  3. Richard, you are precious! Welcome to the New Day Family!
