Holly has been biting at the bit to go to school with Hannah, Serena, and Elly. All week I've told her we have to finish her assessment here at home, then she can go to school. After talking with Sarah, the principal, we decided I should be done assessing her on Wednesday or Thursday and she could begin school Friday morning. That pleased Holly when I told her!
However, as soon as we finished her assessment on Wednesday morning, she told me she was ready to go to school that afternoon:) I told her it'd have to wait until Friday as already agreed upon (also knowing they had a field trip to Beijing on Thursday already planned). She was clearly disappointed, but agreed.
The big day finally came and she was excited! Randy took the girls to school and, in their excitement upon arriving at New Day, Serena, Holly, and Hannah all ran ahead leaving Randy behind walking with Elly. As soon as he arrived at the classroom, just a couple of minutes later, Holly had--in her excited state--picked out her own desk and emptied the contents of whom ever's desk it was right onto the floor! She was sooo happy to be at school, she promptly picked a desk and made ready for school!! Randy, however, had the displeasure of informing her that she needed to wait for the teacher to assign her a desk and she would have to pick up all of that person's stuff and return it to it's proper place in their desk. She complied and proceeded to wait for her teacher to arrive. We knew she was anxious, but wow!
I'm so happy she is going to school and I love that she is so excited about it!
What absolute joy captured on her face! Love her earnest concentration, too