Wednesday, September 14, 2011

She Was Worth It

She was so loved.

With a physical heart that most had given up on, when Paige arrived all we wanted to do was give her a chance. And even though she never experienced a whole and healthy heart, Paige knew what it was to be loved.

She was a favorite of so many. Her little tuft of hair… those dimples that grew sweeter and sweeter… that grin…

Paige was spunky; she wiggled all of the time. She never contented herself with being a fragile, delicate heart baby. Paige was strong.

Watching her roll over amazed us. Her smile delighted us, and the way she babbled when first beginning to express herself out loud melted our hearts. Paige was not afraid of growing up, even though it must have been tough on her damaged and broken heart.

And we were not afraid of falling head over heels in love with her, even though, right now, it hurts like crazy. When we said “Yes” to Paige, we knew that we were putting our hearts at risk. But if we had not put our hearts at risk, Paige would have missed out on three months of unconditional, nurturing love. And it was worth it. Those three months of getting to love on Paige and watch her blossom was more than worth it.

It’s easy to ask “why her?” because we miss her so much. It’s hard to say goodbye to little Paige, precious Ping Ping, but we know that she now knows no limits to her strength and ability, no bounds to her love. The love that she is experiencing right now, at this very moment, is far greater than we can ever imagine. And we take comfort that her heart is now whole, and overflowing.


  1. Most definitely WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!
    praying for yall....

  2. Thanks for loving these precious ones!

  3. Oh Hannah ~ you still have me in tears. From your personal blog to here, I can feel the very depths of your heart.

    I have great appreciation for everyone at New Day and how each of you puts your heart on the line, over and over and over to show unconditional love to every child who walks through those doors. Baby Paige clearly knew love during her time in your care... and we all know that GOD IS LOVE, so I know she has to feel very 'at home' in the arms of her Heavenly Father.

    Continued prayers are going up for each of you during this difficult time. Thank you all for knowing that "she was worth it!" despite the pain you are feeling right now. I am so grateful that you keep fighting the good fight and giving everything you've got for 'the least of these.' May God bless you and fill your brokenness with His comfort and love.

  4. She is just beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for risking your hearts and taking care of such a beautiful baby girl.

  5. My heart here on this earth aches and yet it is filled with joy when I think of how she is loved even more fully now...
    Praying for all of you!

  6. Thank you for loving precious Ping Ping. And sharing her with us!
