Monday, August 2, 2010

Therapy Fun

Recently I observed Hannah and Jenna in speech therapy class. This month the girls will have a break and will not be going to New Day for regular class and therapy. Instead they will enjoy some time off at home, although in order for them not to regress, I will continue their speech therapy along with other things at home. The bigger girls all get some time off school and I felt it just didn't seem right for the little ones to not get a break. Besides, it is good family bonding time and allows us to do more as a family. We do much the same things as they'd do in school but at home with their family. Here you can see the girls helping out by carrying the table and chairs to the next room to begin therapy. Something they are quite happy to do and makes them feel like big girls! They love their therapy sessions as they are just fun times to them!

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