Monday, June 7, 2010

Adahlyn's Adopted!

Adahlyn has joined her adoptive family.  For those who are interested, they are keeping a blog of their journey but it is private so it is isn't listed with our other extended family members on this blog.  However, her family said they'd be happy to give the password to people interested in following Adahlyn's journey home, so if you'd like the password and address to their site, please e-mail her Momma Alycia at alycia.abox(at)  (Obviously the (at) should be replaced with @.)


  1. Praise God!!! I'im so happy to know that sweet little Adahlyn is with her forever family now! :)

  2. Oh my! Two older girls adopted so close together! I had a great time working wtih Adah and am so glad she has joined her family at last. :)

  3. What praiseworthy news for Adahlyn and her "lucky" family!
    Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

  4. How wonderful to hear that Adahlyn is on her way home and is with her family now!

  5. Can someone e-mail me and tell us how we can adopt a child from The New Day Foster Home?? These children are so cute , we would love more information about them..
    Thank you ~Jody
