Monday, May 17, 2010

Spotlight: Elva Chen

This was supposed to be last Friday's Spotlight, but we were busy with a going-away party, and I didn't have a chance to post it.  This spotlight features Elva Chen, a much-loved woman who worked in our PR department.  Unfortunately, last Friday's going away party was for her!  We're truly happy for her, as she's been offered an incredible opportunity to work at a hospital's foundation in her hometown, where she can be nearer to her family.  But, we will definitely miss her a lot here at New Day Foster Home!  So, even though she isn't here anymore, we want you to get to know this special woman who has been such a blessing to so many of our children.  Oh, and don't forget to check out all the pictures from her going away party on the foster home's scrapbook!


Tell us a bit about yourself.
I grew up in southern China in Zhejiang Province, in a city called Wenzhou as the eldest of four girls. I finished school with a bachelor’s degree in Architecture. It wasn’t necessarily a subject I was really passionate about, but I knew with that degree I would have more job opportunities. I always have been more of a people person and social work is close to my heart. I feel like the work I am doing at New Day really fits my personality and what I enjoy doing.

What do you do in New Day?
I work for the PR department. My work is to promote the Foster Home, encourage people to get involved in our work and provide ways for them to get involved.

What is the best part with your work?
The best part of my work is all the people I get to meet everyday. I get to introduce them to the Foster Home, provide them information about how they can make an impact in other people’s lives. A lot of times the ones who come and visit here are really interested in helping out. Many people have this preconception that they only way you can help people in need is to donate money, but that isn’t the only way. Giving a bit of your time and raising awareness in your neighborhood of people in need – they’re all ways to help.

What is your favorite childhood memory?
What I remember most from my childhood are the outings we used to take during summers. We had BBQs, swam in the lake, played, and everyone spent time together. My aunts, uncles and cousins – everyone would go on these trips. We would take hundreds of photos during the trips, and I love looking back to those memories… they always bring a smile to my face.

What was your childhood dream?
I wanted to be a good housewife, haha! I don’t think I had one specific childhood dream. In some ways, I think I am living my childhood dream right now. I am very content with what I am doing right now and it brings a lot of joy to my life.

Did you have a role model growing up?
Hmm… one doesn’t come to mind. Most of all I tried to set a good example to my younger sisters.

What do you do during your free time?
Hang out with friends, watch a movie, and eat seafood or Thai food; my two favorite foods for dinner.


  1. Aww, man!! Elva will be missed by New Day! She is such a beautiful woman with a pure heart! Good Luck with everything, Elva!

  2. I can't believe Elva is leaving!! She is irreplacable. I enjoyed so much getting to know her for a couple weeks. Blessings on your new position, Elva!
