Monday, June 24, 2024

Fun Times

The children's slogan: "Happy Children's Day, I am important!"

1. Rules

The 10 children in Helin are new this year. In order to enhance the relationship with them, we specially planned a day of fun games on Children's Day to get to know the children through group activities. Children can learn social etiquette, learn to get along with others while having fun exercising.

Safety and happiness

There are rules for getting water,

there are rules for going to the bathroom,

there are rules for eating,

there are rules for receiving gifts.

Grow up in the rules

Be protected in the rules

Enjoy happiness in the rules

Teach children to live according to principles rather than emotions

Develop children's character in principles

2. Games

Passion Release

There is a sharka

As soon as they heard the command, the children immediately got into the rope circle. Only a few children were trapped outside the rope and so were asked to introduce themselves.

"My name is Jiaxin, I like sports", "My name is Hongfei, I like running", "My name is Xiaopeng, I like to draw some weird things", the children laughed again after hearing it.

The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road

Confidence is not a dream to move forward

Life is not just about winning or losing

The cloudy day will eventually clear up

The game of "building a tower together" is even more intense, and the two groups of friends kept shouting "Stay steady, hold on tight" throughout the whole process. Under the leadership of Xiaozhe, the first group took the lead at the beginning. But when stacking the third block, it accidentally collapsed. Xiaozhe's face was full of heartache. Hongfei's group came from behind and he encouraged everyone to be steady and slow all the way, and finally turned defeat into victory. Their happiness and excitement were beyond words.

3. Reflection

Sharing and Expression

In the reflection phase of the game, the children could express their feelings through cards.

Sharing is based on trust

Expression is a skill

Team leader Xiaozhe chose surprise and happiness. He was surprised because he didn’t expect Hongfei’s team to finally win, and he was happy because everyone was together on Children’s Day.

Team leader Hongfei chose gratitude and comfort. He was grateful for everyone’s help to children like him, and he felt a lot of comfort.

Other children also expressed their feelings through cards, and they were all very happy and grateful.

For children, learning to share and correctly/accurately express their feelings is a very important growth, and it is also an important part of getting along with others.

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