Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Fun Things about the Boys


Ezra was born in 2014 and came to New Day’s Savannah Project in January 2019.


Ezra is a sunny and handsome boy in our big family. You will see him smiling happily every day.

Every morning, when his nanny comes into his room, he greets her in his own way. Although he can't speak, he has many ways to express himself. When he wants to attract her attention, sometimes he laughs, sometimes he shouts, or he keeps staring at her until she responds to him, then he laughs happily again. Sometimes his mouth is flat, and he looks very aggrieved, as if he is saying, "Mom, look at me!" When his nanny responds to him, he will open his mouth and laugh even louder.

Ezra always has a way to attract the attention of others.



Amos was born in 2016 and came to New Day’s Little Deer Project in January 2019.


Who is the most hardworking, motivated, and self-care child in our house? The first person we think of is Amos. Why?

Every time when eating, the children must wear smocks, but Amos never lets his nanny help. Although he moves slowly, he will insist on completing it by himself. When he asks his nanny to help tie the straps, he will also say politely: "Thank you, Mom, for helping me." After completing each task independently, he will smile, very happy and very satisfied. It seems as if he is saying, "I have improved again! I can do it! I can do it!"

Amos is a responsible boy. He rushes to help his nanny when she is working. Especially when his younger brother cries, he is very anxious and quickly helps to comfort his younger brother, not wanting to make his younger brother unhappy. So, his younger brother likes his big brother very much.

Such a hard-working, motivated, loving and responsible boy, his nanny likes him very much, and the other children also like him very much.


Frank was born in 2014 and came to New Day’s Savannah Project in May 2016.


Frank and the other children went to the playground together. The spring breeze was blowing, and the soft warm sun shone on Frank’s face. The other children were sliding down the slide and playing football, and Frank did not forget to shout, "Come on," "Quick," "He's sliding down!" The joyful atmosphere made every child's face full of happiness.


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