Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Introducing Elizabeth

Elizabeth was born in 2018, she is a happy, cute little girl with dimples on both sides of her cheeks.  She has a very sweet smile. She was abandoned at birth because she was born with a chromosome abnormality. From 2018 to 2020, Elizabeth was part of our formula project. In her short life she has had many people who love and care for her.


In December 2021, Elizabeth joined our Savannah Project. As a new arrival she surprised us with how quickly she integrated into our big family. She looked everywhere observing everything that was happening.  When she saw the other children playing, she immediately went over to play with them. The nannies had fun watching her. They decided her rapid integration was because of her strong interest in the new things around her, and her curiosity to explore new things.


Elizabeth is smart. In just a few days, she learned to eat with a spoon. First her nanny had to feed her, then she graduated to just assisting her…. soon Elizabeth was feeding herself. Elizabeth has grown taller and finally gained some weight. She also began showing more of her lovely personality.


Elizabeth is cheerful and lively, sometimes naughty, and mischievous. When playing with toys, she always "snatches" her favorite toy first, and then shows a proud expression; of course, with the encouragement of her nanny, she is learning to share. Now she will share her snacks and toys with the other children.


Seeing her favorite nanny come to work every morning, Elizabeth will open her small arms and run over to her for a hug. She loves to sit in her nanny's arms resting her head on her shoulder. At times like this she has a big smile on her face. How can such a lovely sight not tug at our hearts?


With careful teaching Elizabeth has become well-behaved. She is very good at imitating. Every time she sees the nannies move; she will imitate them. Elizabeth loves music. When she hears the music, she will swing her arms and dance.

The arrival of Elizabeth has brought a lot of joy and happiness to our big family. The bright and lovely Elizabeth has also won everyone's love.


Yes, "You are safe, you are loved, you can do it!" We never forget our expectations and commitment to our children. In the days to come, Elizabeth’s nanny will help and encourage her in her daily life, and we believe she will grow happier and stronger. 

Love can change lives!

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