Sunday, December 18, 2016

NDNorth: Of Elephants and Eager Learners

What could Michael be so excited about? 

The elephants have come a'marching to the top of the chair, and are all ready to teach about "up" and "down", "on" and "under"! 

Can you find the elephants, Chad? They are on TOP of the chair.

But what is UNDER the chair, Chad? Can you feel anything?

There's nothing! Under the chair is all empty. 

Now what are the elephants doing? They have all lined up nose to nose in a long chain! Can you pick your favorite one, Michael?

Wow, so tall!

Which one will you choose, Rina?

Time for the elephants to go back to their home...

Can you open up your hand, like this, Rina? Wonderful job!

How about you, Evangeline? Can you put the green elephant IN the basket?

Good-bye elephants! Thanks for coming to play!

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