Adam (or Judah, his first English name) arrived almost two years ago a sad and confused little boy. He was abandoned the day he was born and lived in the same orphanage for the first six years of his life. He was suddenly taken away from everything he was used to, including the local dialect he spoke, so it was understandable that he was afraid.
Soon after arriving he found that he didn't have to be scared, and in fact was surrounded by love, and we were able to see just how important love is.
We quickly fell in love with his smiles, laughter, and silly faces.
Adam had surgery to help correct his orthopedic issues and he began the long road towards recovery. There was always a willing helper to push his wheelchair and some of his friends even helped decorate his casts!
We were all so excited when he moved to the backyard school and he continued to learn and was known to have a lot of fun while doing so.
Since Adam has been the oldest boy in the foster home he assumes the role of big brother. He is loving and gentle towards his little brothers and sisters and so helpful to his teachers and nannies.
As you may have guessed, Adam will be making the most beautiful transformation of all, from orphan to beloved son. Though he will be missed we are so excited that he will have a forever family to call his own.
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