Wednesday, January 6, 2016

NDNorth: Happy Birthday Samuel and Ruby

December brought two more birthdays and another reason to celebrate together! Samuel is now a year old and Ruby is two. 

Like previous celebrations, everyone gathered together for singing, cake, and birthday presents. Samuel got to blow out his candles first. The consensus is that Samuel is completely adorable. Seriously, can you get any cuter than this?

Next, Ruby got to blow out her candles. Unlike Samuel, she didn’t really enjoy wearing a crown and getting frosting smeared on her face. But, she did still enjoy the extra time and attention from her nanny.

Then, it was time to open presents. Ruby looked so beautiful and grown up in her new outfit.

And Samuel looked pretty cute in his new Christmas outfit. His nanny accidentally put it on backwards at first, but it didn’t really seem to matter. He’s a cutie either way!

As usual, the party was not just to be enjoyed by the birthday girl and boy. Here are just a few more photos of everyone else having a blast!

Paul got a hold of the tissue paper.

Timothy is learning to feed himself cake.

And Emerson, Kristiana, and Stephanie are waiting patiently for their cake. Hey, there’s only one bowl! Which one of us gets cake first?

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