Monday, August 10, 2015

Janessa's Headbands

Last month when we introduced our new boys, we mentioned another new arrival - Janessa.
These are the pictures that were taken on her very first day here:

She's almost nine months old, and has been diagnosed with heart disease.  Her cheerful smiles are such a contrast to the sorrow in her story; abandoned at three days old in the 'safe room' at her local orphanage.

We're still waiting to hear what the plan is for her heart surgery.  She hasn't been able to go for an appointment at the hospital yet because soon after she arrived we discovered that she needed treatment for an infection.  The infection is gone now, so we're just waiting for her hospital appointment.

These pictures were taken while Janessa had to be in our isolation room to avoid spreading the infection to the other babies.  It's not so fun to be in there (with just one nanny), but she managed some gorgeous smiles anyway.

As you can see, Janessa is a cutie!

It's been decided that she looks extra-cute with pretty headbands on.  What do you think about this, Janessa?

It's kind-of fun to admire yourself in the mirror...

'Enough with the headbands already'?  

Nope, Janessa's sweet nature makes her very tolerant of our little photography sessions.

We'll keep you updated about any upcoming surgery (keep an eye on our Facebook page for real-time updates), but in the meantime we'll just keep pouring love into Janessa's precious little life.

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