Lena loves to roll! She finds this a much more effective
method of moving about the play room than crawling, and has become rather an
expert. Despite much perseverance from Zoey, our fabulous Physical Therapist,
Lena insists on rolling.
She has recently started preschool, and so we sorted out a chair for her to use- there’s a risk she'd roll off one without sides. I found an excuse the other day to pop into the preschool room during their song time (its hard to resist), and Lena seems to have fitted right in- clapping, laughing and singing in her own way to the music.
During therapy sessions with Zoey, Lena has also been working on sitting and standing. She's certainly getting stronger and more stable when sitting; hopefully soon she won't need the special chair during preschool.
Its amazing the change in
Yay Lena!! It's wonderful to see her doing so well! She's precious!