The change in Talley after returning from surgery was incredible- not just was her color and appearance totally different, she has now become an inquisitive and active baby!
During Physical Therapy Zoe has worked with Talley on her crawling skills, and how to get to and from sitting and crawling- she’s doing really well and is gaining muscle strength day by day. I know one day soon she’ll crawl on all four’s rather than more ‘swimming’ across the floor (this however, is incredibly cute to watch!)
In Occupational Therapy we’ve been working on finding activities that Talley really enjoys doing and that engage her attention. One thing people quickly learn about this little girl is that she absolutely loves to make noise! In one of our first sessions we used the large drum with Talley- she could work on using both hands together whilst sitting and kneeling, and absolutely loved it! This activity then developed into reaching for objects on the drum, and banging the drum to make them bounce. This soon showed itself to probably be Talley’s dream activity. I’m not sure I’ve seen such a big smile on her face before; I think our future sessions will certainly be fun and noisy (sorry Zoe and Lilian)!
It’s so exciting to see how quickly Talley has developed following surgery; just imagine what an amazing future she has ahead!
This post was written by our Occupational Therapist, Jenny
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