Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Best Day EVER!

...is when we have a giant moon bounce and ball pit in our backyard and everybody gets to play. The mama's in Beijing certainly had the right thought when they decided to bless our children in this way. Seriously - what could be more fun? 

Swimming in balls...

Annabel went into a fit of giggles. The joy on her face is incomparable. 

Lydia isn't always the most expressive little one, but a pit full of balls sure got her wiggling and grinning!

Looks like fun, doesn't it?

 Stella has the most beautiful giggle - we wish that you could hear it!

Poor Henry got pummeled by balls... he didn't mind, though. 

The slide was perfect for races!

Going down was fun, but going up was pretty exciting too!

... it was a lot of work, though.

However, everyone seemed to have a huge smile on their face!

Here the oldest boys in the foster home have a little meeting. What could they be plotting...

Back in the ball pit the littler ones were having a blast. Maya would like to take her nap here, thank you!

Hudson went swimming and Brendan collected balloons. It's a challenge to gather balloons up that are larger than your head!

Rosie responds really well to sensory therapy. Here, she and Jenny enjoy bouncing.

Hudson's face says it all...

This was the best day EVER! More pictures in the scrapbook...

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