It seems like just yesterday that little Wayne and Jeffery entered into our care as tiny babies with ENT defects. But it wasn't yesterday, because of a few things...
...two things, actually.
The boys have grown in leaps and bounds! Wayne is now a pretty confident walker. He keeps his foster mama busy. Can you just see him saying, in the picture below, "Bye mom, I'm off to get into trouble. See you later!"
When the boys came to the foster home the other day for check-ups (they've both grown, no doubt about that!) the rest of the foster home kiddos were outside playing. Isaac was happy to show them around.
Esther supervised. She runs the place, you know, and so she came over to keep an eye on the visitors.
It's too bad that we'll have to wait until next summer for these handsome lads to join our afternoon preschool class, because we sure wish that we could see them more often. But it's pretty exciting to watch their growth and development month-by-month, don' you agree?
From a sick and dying baby into this...
From a baby needing surgery and love into this...
We give credit for Wayne and Jeffery's transformation and curiosity to their foster parents. Vicki and Jim have been fostering children for about three years, and have made differences is so many children's lives.
They've given two little orphaned boys the opportunity to live in a family.
While Jeffery and Wayne wait to be adopted, we're glad that they get this chance to be loved unconditionally, cared for expertly and to live the life that every child should know.
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