Thursday, July 21, 2011

The School of Higher Learning

Preschool is so much fun that most of our children would be content to continue studying there for the foreseeable future. But, there comes a time in a child's life when they must go beyond, stretch their wings and discover that they can do more than they ever previously thought. To fill this need, we have established a "School of Higher Learning" for some of our older students (aka: Pre-K or "the transition class").
Our current roster includes Claire, Jenna, Joel, Jabin and Lucy Kate.

Each class starts out with some playtime. On this occasion, Lucy Kate and Joel were playing Go Fish.

Mei you. Go fish!

After playtime comes "Communication Time". Today we practiced introducing ourselves by saying our name and our age.

It's very nice to meet you, Joel. And I hear that you're turning seven soon? Wow!

Jenna used sign language to introduce herself. Here she is signing, "name".

Next comes writing time. Joel and Jabin practiced their J's, Lucy Kate perfected her "L" and Claire and Jenna did some dot-connecting.

By the time he finnished writing his first "J", Joel was ready for a break. Learning new things is hard sometimes, but it's always fun.

And that was just the start of their class! They haden't even gotten to PE, storytime or arts and crafts! We'll visit this class again sometime soon.


  1. So fun to look through these pictures and know that so many of them have families! I love noticing the name changes!

  2. Lucy Kate ... on my how you have grown!

  3. I love watching Jenna communicate...yay Jenna!
