Thursday, October 22, 2009

If You Give A Girl A Cookie...

Recently some of our staff returned from a Formula Project trip to an orphanage in the southern part of China. There is a particular type of cookie made in that region that is really well-known and delicious, so our staff stocked up on these treats to bring back to family and friends.

When Grace brought cookies into the Healing Home yesterday, there was a flurry of excitement - COOKIES! Everybody was instructed to wash their hands, and then Maria was given the honored task of handing a cookie to each of the nannies. One by one, she handed each nanny a cookie and then saved one for herself.

Being the bright little cookie that she is, Maria had a brilliant plan up her sleeve. After she handed out the cookies, she went from nanny to nanny, asking for a bite of their cookie. What better way to get the maximum amount of cookie, right? She'd had her fill, without ever having to take a bite of the cookie she'd already set aside for herself. Everybody laughed at Maria's love of sweet things and her ingenious way of getting a little more than she was allotted.
And then she surprised us all by generously offering her original cookie to share with Grace!

We are continually touched and blessed not only by our kids' love and courage but also by their sweet, generous little hearts.


  1. What a sweethart! I know her new mama is going to be blessed by this post and learning what a sharing heart her little Maria has! She has the most adorable smile, too!! :)

  2. How very creative of her!!
    Love these stories. Don't you just live for these little rays of sunshine?
    Thanks for sharing them with us!

  3. We could all learn a lesson from this sweet child. She shows how if we are all willing to share just "one bite" of what we have to others ... how willing that person is in turn willing to give all they have to others too! The joy of SHARING! She is a blessing! Thank you Maria!

  4. That little Maria...she is captivating! I know her family is SO excited!

  5. Thats our girl. It is scary to think what it will be like when her and her sister Shiyan (8 months older) get together. They will be sharing a room so I am afraid sleep will be a thing of the past for us! So great to see her doing so well.
