Monday, August 7, 2023

Getting to Know Cindy

Cindy was born in 2017, suffering from congenital heart disease and strabismus. Cindy has simple self-care ability, can understand instructions, and can also express herself, but she doesn't talk much and has a relatively introverted personality. She is a quiet little girl. Her ability to move is relatively well developed. Cindy is currently attending a special education school. We believe that her abilities will continue to develop with careful care.

Let's get to know Cindy better through some life details.

From Cindy’s Nanny

I remember it was the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, and the children were very happy. Of course, Cindy was no exception. In the evening, the nannies took the children to watch the moon together. Then they placed all kinds of mooncakes, fruit, and snacks on the table. Cindy could hardly wait, she looked at the Dove chocolates on the table and was about to grab them.

I said, “Cindy, wait a while, it hasn't started yet. Let's eat later, okay?”

When it was time to eat everyone quickly ate their favorite food. At the end of the meal, there was only one piece of chocolate left that Cindy wanted to eat. I was going to give it to Jaiden, but seeing Cindy's little eyes, I handed the chocolate to her.

“Cindy, you can eat it, I will give Jaiden another candy.”


I put the candy into Jaiden's mouth. Suddenly a cold little hand tugged at my clothes. I hurriedly turned my head to see that it was Cindy who was holding the chocolate in her hand and putting it near her younger brother's mouth.

“Cindy, you can eat, I will give your brother something else.”

She said, “No, give it to my brother!”

I told her that was okay, she could eat it. After I finished speaking, I went to work on other things. Going back to the table again, I saw the chocolate in Jaiden's mouth.” Cindy gave the chocolate to her younger brother and ate an apple instead.


For children, the most difficult thing is to give up the things they like to others. This is pure love from the heart, which is extremely precious. Many people today only value the cultivation of children's knowledge and abilities, but for us, the most important thing is to cultivate the children to be loving, humble, and caring people. Otherwise, a selfish person, no matter how capable he is, will not be a person who is beneficial to society and others.

A Mom's Monologue

When Cindy with delicate facial features, thin figure and timid expression stood in front of me and called me "Mom" in a kitten-like voice, my heart almost melted. How could there be such a heart-wrenching child in this world?

Your every move, every word and deed can affect my nerves, so the moment you called out "Mom" to me for the first time, I decided to give my to love you, care for you, accompany you, warm you, and let you grow up healthy and happy.


January 21, 2023 was the Spring Festival Year of the Rabbit, and it is also the first time that I will accompany you to celebrate the New Year. I was honored to witness this moment.

Watching you change into new clothes happily; I will comb your hair and tie a new hair tie for you; see you working hard to help me add the first blessing of the Year of the Rabbit to our living room; seeing you playing happily with new toys; seeing your satisfied appearance when you eat your favorite food gave me much joy. When the bell rang, I saw you leaning on the windowsill and listening to the sound of firecrackers outside, you were curious but also a little frightened!

Cindy, Happy New Year! In the new year, my hope is that you will always be happy, free from worries, and grow up healthy and strong! It's an honor to be in your world!

May Cindy and every child become a more loving and happier child!

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