Monday, June 24, 2024

Fun Times

The children's slogan: "Happy Children's Day, I am important!"

1. Rules

The 10 children in Helin are new this year. In order to enhance the relationship with them, we specially planned a day of fun games on Children's Day to get to know the children through group activities. Children can learn social etiquette, learn to get along with others while having fun exercising.

Safety and happiness

There are rules for getting water,

there are rules for going to the bathroom,

there are rules for eating,

there are rules for receiving gifts.

Grow up in the rules

Be protected in the rules

Enjoy happiness in the rules

Teach children to live according to principles rather than emotions

Develop children's character in principles

2. Games

Passion Release

There is a sharka

As soon as they heard the command, the children immediately got into the rope circle. Only a few children were trapped outside the rope and so were asked to introduce themselves.

"My name is Jiaxin, I like sports", "My name is Hongfei, I like running", "My name is Xiaopeng, I like to draw some weird things", the children laughed again after hearing it.

The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road

Confidence is not a dream to move forward

Life is not just about winning or losing

The cloudy day will eventually clear up

The game of "building a tower together" is even more intense, and the two groups of friends kept shouting "Stay steady, hold on tight" throughout the whole process. Under the leadership of Xiaozhe, the first group took the lead at the beginning. But when stacking the third block, it accidentally collapsed. Xiaozhe's face was full of heartache. Hongfei's group came from behind and he encouraged everyone to be steady and slow all the way, and finally turned defeat into victory. Their happiness and excitement were beyond words.

3. Reflection

Sharing and Expression

In the reflection phase of the game, the children could express their feelings through cards.

Sharing is based on trust

Expression is a skill

Team leader Xiaozhe chose surprise and happiness. He was surprised because he didn’t expect Hongfei’s team to finally win, and he was happy because everyone was together on Children’s Day.

Team leader Hongfei chose gratitude and comfort. He was grateful for everyone’s help to children like him, and he felt a lot of comfort.

Other children also expressed their feelings through cards, and they were all very happy and grateful.

For children, learning to share and correctly/accurately express their feelings is a very important growth, and it is also an important part of getting along with others.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Meet New arrivals

At the beginning of 2024, the staff of Eleos Project continued to take steps to locate children in forgotten corners. Meet the 17 new children who have joined our project.

1. Meiling 

Born in 2012, parents divorced.


Mei Ling is a beautiful and logical girl. She was born in 2012 and is now studying in Grade 4 of primary school.

Mei Ling’s family lives on a hill. Her parents divorced when she was three years old, and her mother has not been heard from since. Mei Ling and her sister live with their father and grandmother. The four people in the family all rely on a few acres of land planted with grain by Meiling’s father and his part-time work to live. Her grandmother, who is nearly 70 years old, picks up garbage every day. Their income is limited. We are hope to provide them a helping hand.

 2. Jiashuo

Born in 2013, parents divorced.


Jiashuo was born in 2013 and is now in the fourth grade. His parents divorced when he was three years old. Jiashuo and his 17-year-old sister are in school and they are dependent on their single father. Their father has continuous pain in his waist and legs and can’t go out to work, so the family is dependent on produce from their five or six acres of farmland. His sister is considering dropping out of school because of their family’s situation, which is an option that many families in difficult circumstances usually choose.

Jiashuo’s family has been renting, and living in substandard housing. During school days, he lives in a dormitory, which charges, near the school. During holidays, he is able to return home to his father and sister. The main sources of income for the family of three is a $42 per month subsidy from the state and the harvest from the father’s farming.

3. Jianzhong

Born in 2013


Jianzhong was born in 2013 and is now 10 years old. Jianzhong’s mother suffers from mental disorder and relies on drugs to stabilize her. The annual cost of the drugs is about $3-4,000 and she is unable to care for Jianzhong and his young sister. Jianzhong’s father, a forest ranger, took on the burden of caring for the family – in addition to work, taking care of his sick wife, he tries to provide for the children’s needs. They have a couple of acres of farmland but it hardly provides income for the family recently because of the poor harvest. The family’s main sources of income are his father’s salary of $126 per month, the government subsidy allowance and Jianzhong’s mother’s disability allowance of $250 per year. At present, it is not enough to maintain the medical expenses of the mother.

We hope to do something for these two little precious children to open a door of breaking through for this family.

4. Jiahao

Born in 2010, parents divorced,father disable.


Jiahao was born in 2010, and he is 14 years old this year and is in junior high school. He and his sister lived with their father after their parents divorced. Their mother left them when they were still young. His father suffers from Avascular necrosis of the femoral head. It is often painful and he is in a wheelchair. Getting up and down the stairs is very laborious for him. Jia Hao is currently living in an apartment lent to them by his father’s friend, it is on the sixth floor. Since the father’s situation is so dire and he does not want his children to suffer they attend a boarding school. Both children live at school, and the father lives in the countryside and reunites with the children during the holidays.

5. Weihong

Born in 2011, parents divorced.


Born in 2011, Weihong is 13 years old and in primary school. There are only three men in Weihong’s family – grandfather, father and little Weihong. His mother left home when he was four years old, never to be found. Their family lives in a cave, and there is hardly anything in the home. His father suffered from lumbar vertebrae necrosis a few years ago, in order to get some treatment, his grandpa borrowed a lot of money. Weihong’s father has not fully recovered and is unable to work. Grandpa is very old, in addition to taking care of the house he also raise some sheep. Weihong helps his grandfather and father do some housework and raise sheep at home.

The need of this family is huge.

6. Xiaofei

Born in 2009· Sick child· Parents divorced.

Xiaofei was born in 2009, he was born with ichthyosis, a serious skin disease. Due to how it looks it has given him an inferiority complex. In addition, his right hand was almost cut off by a lawn mower when he was a child. His hand was saved but the function of the right hand is not good, and it is difficult for him to write. When Xiaofei was very young, his parents divorced, and his mother has not been heard from since. Xiaofei and his brother live with their father. Xiaofei’s father works outside all year. His health condition is poor because he could not afford warm clothes to wear in winter, he has joint pain, and it increases as the years goes by. He is unable to do heavy work, and because of the need of medication for himself and his son he has accumulated a lot of debt. To reduce the burden of the family, Xiaofei’s brother dropped out of school very early to work in a factory.

At present, it is their grandmother, who is not well, who takes care of the children and the housework.


7. Liya

Born in 2011, parents are disabled. 

Liya was born in 2011. She is 13 years old and in primary school. Her mother is mentally handicapped, and her father was born deaf and needs to wear hearing aids. There are four people in Liya’s family — father, mother, elder brother and Liya. To earn tuition fees, her brother who is in middle school, must work outside during his school holiday’s.

Their main source of income is the state subsidy and disability allowance. All this burden rests upon the disabled father, and we cannot fail to be moved by their difficulties.

8. Boyu

Born in 2014, parents divorced.

Born in 2014, Boyu is 10 years old and in primary school. His parents divorced in 2022, which caused the two children a lot of grief. Now Boyu lives in a small, rented house with his father and elder brother. His father learnt some cooking skills, so he cooks for others or sometimes works at a construction site for funds. Because he needs to take care of the children during weekends, he had to give up the chance of working in a restaurant where a cook gets better pay. The benefit of his choice is that we found that the boys were raised very well- they are polite and treat each other well. His grandparents are in their 70’s and live with them. Their daily living expenses rely on his father’s unstable income and his mother’s monthly alimony.

9. Wenting

Born in 2014

Born in 2014, Wenting is now 10 years old. There are six people in her family. Wenting’s father and mother are married for the second time. Her stepmother had a son and daughter. Her father had her and her sister. Wenting’s stepmother is a particularly gentle mother, she works hard to keep their home clean and orderly. Usually, Wenting’s mother rents a house in the town to accompany the four children when they are at school. Her father works as a farmer in the countryside. The main income of the family comes from the father’s part-time work and the state subsidy allowance. Although the cost of the family is high and the family is not rich, we are pleased to see the family is harmonious, positive and optimistic.

10. Xiaoyu


Xiaoyu was born in 2010. He has a speech impediment and is unable to communicate in most cases. He was diagnosed with autism, and he attends a special school in the local town. Xiaoyu’s family consists of four members – father, mother, Xiaoyu, and a one-year-old sister. His father suffers from myasthenia gravis (a rare long-term condition that causes muscle weakness) in both hands and is unable to work. His mother’s intelligence was affected due to an accident when she was a child. She is unable to express herself in language or communicate with others. The family’s main source of income comes from the national subsistence allowance for the disabled, but their family’s livelihood is relatively difficult.

We hope to find recovery resources for Xiao Yu that can help him and financial support that can help his family.

11. Xiaofang

Born in 2012, single-parent family, seriously ill child.


Xiaofang was born in September 2012 into a single parent family. She suffers from congenital anhidrosis (sweat glands produce little to no sweat) due to a genetic defect. There were three girls in the family – the eldest sister died of the same disease, and her second sister was given to others for adoption due to illness when she was young. Xiaofang’s parents are divorced, and Xiaofang currently lives with her father. The father spent all his savings to treat his children. He works in a vegetable greenhouse to earn medical expenses for Xiaofang and searches for treatment options. Xiaofang is in poor health and her legs are severely deformed. Although she cannot go to school, she is a sweet, quiet little girl who often helps her father with work as much as possible.

We hope to find suitable diagnosis and treatment resources for Xiaofang and alleviate the pain and stress she must deal with.


12. Xiaotao

Born in 2016, parents divorced.


Xiaotao was born in July 2016, and he is currently in first grade. His parents divorced and he is being raised by his grandparents. Xiaotao’s father is working outside of the town and their family has a lot of debt. XiaoTao often feels lonely and insecure because his parents are not involved in his life. At present, their family relies on the subsistence allowance income of $70 per month his grandparents receive from the government. Xiaotao lives in the school dormitory, his grandpa picks him up for the weekends and takes him back to school on Sunday by bus.

We invite more people to lend a helping hand to this child, helping his family financially and making him feel supported and not alone.


13. Guowei

Born in 2011·Mother passed away.

Guo Wei was born in September 2011. His mother passed away from lung cancer when he was seven. He is cared for by his grandmother who is nearly 80 years old, deaf and unable to hear. Guo Wei’s father works very hard at farming, earning very little. The family receives about $42 of subsistence allowance per month from the Poverty Alleviation Agencies, but renting a house requires $20 per month.

Guo Wei is currently in sixth grade, and he yearns to become a reliable man.

We hope that through our project assistance, we can help this family improve their situation.


14. Xiaoshuo

Born in 2014·Single parent family.

Xiaoshuo was born in April 2014. He is currently in third grade. His mother left the family when he was very young, leaving Xiaoshuo and his father to rely on each other. His father works in construction and doesn’t have time to take care of him, leaving his care to other relatives. Xiaoshuo lives in the school dormitory and stays at his aunt’s house during school breaks and holidays. As an eleven-year-old child, Xiaoshuo is small and appears to be only eight or nine years old, somewhat shy and reserved. Xiaoshuo’s family and relatives are facing difficulties in life, and we want to give them a helping hand.


15. Xuemin

Born in 2015, single parent family.

Xuemin was born in September 2015. She is currently in second grade. At the age of 6, her parents divorced, and her father works temporary jobs in construction and is unable to care for his children. Xuemin and her three-year-old older sister study at a local school. Her grandparents rented a room nearby (with a monthly rent of $20) to take care of them and transport them to and from school. Their grandpa found a job as a street cleaner with a monthly salary of about $220. Because their grandma is illiterate, sometimes the children need to ask neighbors for help with their homework. The family works hard for a living. Despite these difficulties the home is very clean, and the girls’ personalities are optimistic.

16. Xiaohao

Born in 2008, mother is disabled.

Hao was born in May 2008 and as a16-year-old, he is currently in fifth grade, because he dropped out of school for a year. Hao’s mother has a physical disability and cannot work. He has two older sisters, the eldest sister is married and lives far away, the second sister is in high school. His father alone bears the heavy burden of supporting the family. Their house and furnishings are very old, and his dad’s clothes are old and tattered. To alleviate their poverty, the family began to raise some sheep when they lost their government subsidy. We hope to bring help to this shy and introverted young man and his family.


17. Yunfei

Born in 2010, mother passed away, father is ill. 

Yunfei was born in July 2010 and is currently in sixth grade. When he was four years old, his mother passed away. His father had an accident last year and is unable to work, making it difficult for his family to make ends meet. This year, his father was diagnosed with lung cancer, making things even worse. He has an older brother who is currently studying at a vocational high school. Yunfei’s own physical condition is not good and he takes medication. For the convenience of seeking medical treatment, his father rented a room in the suburbs of the city. Currently, the family’s income is only a monthly subsistence allowance of $150. We plan to help them find medical resources, and financial support to help them through their difficulties.

Looking at the children's situation, we can't help but wonder:

Can physical pain knock a person down?

Can economic pressure crush a family?

Will the broken family make a person want to escape?

The answer is: yes, but not necessarily.

Can we become that uncertain factor?

When a person is about to fall, can we help him?

When a family is about to be crushed, can we give them support?

When a person wants to escape, can we give him some courage?

Looking back on the progress of the Eleos project over the past year, although we cannot meet all the needs of the children and their families, we have contacted medical resources to help children with diseases, we have relieved the pressure on their families by distributing scholarships and supplies. We give them courage and encouragement through fun sports games, character building classes and other activities... Although what we do is insignificant, we know that we are moving forward on the road to our dreams.

That dream is beautiful and worth our efforts.

If you are willing to work with us to help them when they need it, give them a hand, give them some support, give them some courage, and make their lives better and better, please contact us.