Monday, February 20, 2023

NDV: Kim Tuong and Her Family

Most of the children we help in Vietnam live with their parents or other family members.  During the time of the child’s medical treatment and recovery, we get to know the families and often learn of other needs.

Kim Tuong’s family is one of the more needy families in our program.  Her father has a serious lung condition that prevents him from working.  In addition to caring for their two daughters, Kim Tuong’s mother does what she can to support the family, often selling lottery tickets on the streets near their home.

During Kim Tuong’s recent post-op checkup, her mother told us how she had earlier borrowed the equivalent of $85 USD to buy lottery tickets for resale.  Due to the exorbitant interest and terms that she had no choice but to accept, she ended up paying approximately $340 USD (4x!) over time to settle the debt. 

Hearing this, we were only too happy to give her a new “interest-free loan” to buy more tickets.  Although she has promised to set aside a small amount every day over the next 200 days, we think she will be quite surprised and happy when she sees what happens when it is time to repay. 😊

Kim Tuong’s father stopped medical treatment for his lung condition some time ago because the family could not afford the expense. We are now arranging for him to get examined at a local hospital to better understand his condition and needs going forward.

By the way, the docs said Kim Tuong’s heart is doing great!

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