Here at New Day Foster Home we have had decorations, costumes, potato-mashing, pie-eating - the full works. Some things are rather different from the traditional Thanksgiving feast, we had chickens instead of turkeys and there was no football to watch, but in the ways that matter it was the same. We enjoyed being together as a big family, and we celebrated the blessings that we have to be thankful for.
We have a vast pile of photographs from our Thanksgiving celebrations, and an equally long list of things to be thankful for this year. It's hard to know where to begin...

Let's begin with one of the smallest. We are thankful for Albert. He is tiny and adorable, and we get to wait and hope with him for the miracle that he needs.
We are thankful for Talley, for the miracles that her life already displays. And, of course, for her spectacular cheeks, which she filled with Thanksgiving food.
We are thankful for Christopher, that he is home after his surgery. We're so happy to see his sweet little face around here again.
We are thankful for Rosie, for the beautiful young lady that she is growing up to be. Due to her special diet, her Thanksgiving dinner was less traditional than everyone else's, but we were so happy to have her at the table.
We are thankful for foster parents. They give such a loving home to kids like Wendy and Seth, and we couldn't do what we do without them.
We are thankful for Austyn and the beautiful progress that he has made since he came to New Day. He doesn't look very impressed with the roast chicken, but we sure are impressed with him.
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