Hi everyone! My name is Isaac and I am 2 years old. Every afternoon I go upstairs to the therapy room for Occupational and Physical Therapy. This is my favorite time of the day because I love showing off my skills to my awesome therapists!
In my OT sessions I am working on my hand-eye coordination and training my brain to use the right side of my body more. This is hard for me but I wear a wrist strap and that helps a lot.
I love using putty even though it can be very sticky! It always makes me giggle when I can stretch it to make a really long string!
Yvonne always encourages me and gives me a high five when I do something well! She makes my sessions fun and I don’t realise how hard I am working!
In my PT sessions I am working on my strength and balance. In the past few weeks I have mastered standing all by myself and this made my therapists so proud!
My therapists stretch my muscles everyday and sometimes this feels a little uncomfortable but I am thankful I have the activity board to distract me so I don’t notice it too much!
I’m still working on my kicking skills but I practice almost everyday so I should be able to accomplish this skill very soon!
I am so close to being able to walk independently! Everyday I can take a few more steps without falling over or wearing myself out! My therapist Zoe says that very soon I will master this skill!
I better go back to Preschool now, my teacher will be wondering where I am! Thanks for stopping by to learn about my progress in therapy!
This post was written by one of our volunteers, Ciara.
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