Monday, October 7, 2024

“Future World” Journey Reflections

Gratitude • Joy • Freedom

Determination empowers you to navigate,
observe, and truly engage with this world.

In contrast to kids from typical households, the children involved in our project have limited opportunities to interact with the outside environment. That's why we seize every opportunity to take them out for various activities. Despite the challenges that may arise, we remain committed to ensuring that these children can explore, witness, and fully experience the world around them.

On this occasion, we took the children to “Future World” for a day of fun. The children were all in wheelchairs. The amusement park spans three floors and lacks an elevator, which posed a significant challenge for us. We are incredibly grateful to the amusement park staff, who went above and beyond to assist us by carrying both the children and their wheelchairs throughout the day. Their support was invaluable in making this outing enjoyable. 

In addition to complimentary adult tickets, they generously provided meals for the children and arranged for us to dine in a quiet, comfortable restaurant, allowing us to relax and enjoy our time. To top it off, they even created a welcome banner specifically for our children.

You may stumble along the way,
but I will always be here to support you.

For your sake, we are continuously adapting.


Due to his scoliosis and increased muscle tension, Tyler has fewer opportunities for recreational activities. However, at the Future World Children's Park, he found joy in a large sponge pool. Surrounded by the soft sponge, his body was fully supported, allowing him to relax completely and enjoy the experience.

Upon our return, we have plans to revamp the ocean ball pool in our project by replacing the ocean balls with sponge blocks. This modification will enable children with high muscle tension to move freely within the sponge pool, promoting greater relaxation and comfort.

When you smile, the entire world lights up.

Allow yourself to be free, agile, and unrestrained.


Tim is a lively little one, and according to his nannies, the Future World Amusement Park feels like home to Tim. There, he can truly express himself, moving freely and confidently without the fear of obstacles. He joyfully runs and crawls on the trampoline, fully embracing the experience.

As Austyn sits on the merry-go-round, basking in the warmth of the sunshine, he feels completely at ease.

Sometimes Austyn has a short temper, but on the merry-go-round he finds himself lost in thought. It enchants him, spinning him around and bringing him a sense of joy. In this moment, he relishes the bright, warm sunshine.

The refreshing scent of cassia seeds wafts through the air.

In the sand pool, generously layered with thick cassia seeds, the atmosphere is darker, illuminated by dim but vibrant, colorful lights. The subtle aroma of the cassia seeds creates a calming ambiance, inviting relaxation. As we watch Caleb, we can't help but smile at his contented expression.

The children don’t want to say goodbye to "Future World," and we understand their reluctance. We know that a vibrant future awaits them, and we hope that one day they will possess the courage and strength to embrace it fully. Our wish for them is to always hold onto the freedom and joy that resides in their hearts.

May their presence make the world a better place!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Leaving an Impression

In August of this year, the Savannah Project welcomed a volunteer team from Beijing. Various students, groups, compassionate mothers, and donors visited the children's residence to offer their support and companionship. By coordinating appointments, organizing and welcoming volunteers and visiting teams, we have established a connection for those who care about children to engage with them. Through personal interactions, everyone gains a deeper understanding and firsthand experience of the children's lives, education, and the efforts of the nannies.


Today, we have selected some messages from young volunteers to share with you. These messages not only shed light on our efforts but also serve as an inspiration to continue serving orphaned and disabled children with love.

Thanks to Summer, Yile, Yunxi, and Yueliang for sharing!


Prior to the trip, I harbored deep concerns. I feared I was lacking in love and patience, unsure of what to expect from the children residing in the welfare home. However, upon arriving on the first day, I was relieved to find a welcoming and cozy environment. The layout exuded a style that resonated with me, truly evoking a sense of being at home.



"Do you possess a heart filled with gratitude?" This is a question that my parents frequently asked me, and my response typically was, "I do." In return, my father would let out a sigh and remark, "You still don't grasp it..." - I realize that my concerns about him may be unfounded...




During the train to the project site, my mind was occupied with various thoughts: "The welfare home houses many orphans. Will I feel sorrow upon seeing them?" and "The leader mentioned that our purpose is to demonstrate love. Do I truly possess love within me?"




The reality was different from what I had anticipated. It dawned on me as I waited by the gate. The scene resembled that of a kindergarten, with lush green grass, whimsical toy sculptures, and a vast playground where children seemed to play joyfully. Stepping inside, I encountered vibrant walls, creatively adorned small houses, and sponge mats laid out on the pristine floor. It exuded a homely atmosphere…..this was their home. 





Upon being divided into groups to tend to the children, our group was tasked with looking after the most fragile, least self-sufficient, and those in most need of help. I was consumed with worry at that moment - the prospect of interacting with such children for the first time left me apprehensive, fearing that I might not be able to provide them with the care they truly needed.



The nanny assigned me a nine-year-old boy who was unable to speak, but he communicated through his eyes and expressions. His long, fluttering eyelashes captivated me. Initially feeling overwhelmed, I mustered the courage with the nanny’s support. I picked up a picture book and decided to narrate a story to him, a simple fairy tale. The child attentively listened, his eyes gleaming, fixed on me and occasionally glancing at the book, erupting into laughter with an open mouth. His nanny remarked, "He is so happy now!" Witnessing those smiles, I realized that this was the true purpose of my presence there.




In the morning, we led the children out for a sunlit stroll in their strollers. Among them was a little girl who struggled to control her limbs, her arms trembling and drooling from the corners of her mouth. Initially, I found it challenging to maneuver the stroller, ensuring the child sat upright while pushing it steadily and securely. However, by afternoon, I had improved. My friends and I sang for the children, including a boy named Xiaoqing who was visually impaired but would burst into joyful laughter upon hearing music. At least then, I felt that my actions were purposeful, capable of bringing happiness to these children.




Our visit included going to other rooms where we encountered more children. Witnessing the joy, gratitude, and contentment in each of their lives left a profound impact on me. It was truly astonishing to see how happy, optimistic, and vibrant these children were, despite the hardships they had endured at such a tender age. I couldn't fathom how they maintained such happiness. The question lingered in my mind until I crossed paths with the nannies, and within that encounter, I found the answer within my heart.




The most significant lesson I gleaned from this journey stemmed from observing the children and their nannies. Witnessing the unwavering love, they showered upon the children left me humbled. For years, they have devoted themselves to fulfilling every need of the children, ensuring that they never perceive themselves as flawed or different from others. Despite the children grappling with various illnesses and many being unable to care for themselves, they showcased their love for one another and their ability to find contentment in the simplest of things.




In the room where I was assigned, there was a five-year-old named Doudou who required assistance with eating. Another child, Enoch, was patiently awaiting his own meal. Upon noticing that Doudou was struggling to eat and was spitting up, Aibao stood up and fetched a wet tissue to gently wipe Doudou's mouth. Witnessing this act of kindness filled my heart with warmth.




I also came to realize that my friends surrounding me were setting a wonderful example. My friend Xiaoyan displayed endless energy in engaging with the children, embracing them, and conversing with them. We took the children for rides in circles, and despite their communication limitations, I could sense their immense joy. Singing together and enjoying the sunshine became a source of happiness for all of us.




This brought back our team leader Mr. Zhang's words to me before our departure. He acknowledged my apprehensions but reassured me that I would not feel disheartened at all—"because those children are cherished, and all you will witness is love."



Witnessing the nanny’s unwavering love for these children, exhibited day in and day out, year after year, with a maternal tenderness, the impact deepens with each passing day. Their abundance of love cultivates gratitude and a simple contentment within the children.



Upon arriving at the Savannah Project, I was overwhelmed with a profound sense of guilt. It became clear to me that I had been oblivious to the true essence of love and gratitude. Despite having everything, I had failed to express gratitude and often found myself dissatisfied. I used to believe it was due to a lack of something, but in the presence of these children, all my self-deception and excuses vanished without a trace. I couldn't help but feel grateful for my parents and all that I have been blessed with.



Love is eternal. Here, I have truly seen, felt, and experienced its unwavering presence.




During this visit, I had the privilege to listen to the staff recount the journey of establishing their organization. I learned about how they tackled challenges step by step, witnessed the transformation in the lives of the children, and saw them shed tears of deep emotion for each precious life they touched. Undoubtedly, their work is remarkable. However, greatness is not achieved in a single moment but through countless small acts. Achieving greatness demands perseverance, and they have demonstrated just that by persisting for over 20 years. I have faith that they will continue to do so in the future because they possess an abundance of love to nurture these children.




Prior to embarking on this journey, I never anticipated that I would glean so much wisdom in just three days. If given the opportunity, I will certainly return again in the future.
